Business Support

Setting up as a sole trader

Setting up in business as a sole trader is arguably the simplest way of starting and running a business. The advantages of being a sole

Post Office convictions quashed

Convictions of hundreds of postmasters have been quashed following Royal Assent of the Post Office (Horizon System) Offences Act 2024. Many postmasters endured financial ruin, the

Customs declaration deadline

A reminder that businesses must submit all export declarations through the Customs Declaration Service (CDS) by 4 June. Businesses exporting goods have less than one month

New Companies House powers

The recently introduced Economic Crime and Transparency Act has gifted Companies House a range of new powers aimed at reducing exploitation by corporate entities to

Business rates relief in England

Business rates are a tax on non-domestic premises, including most commercial properties such as shops, offices, pubs, warehouses and factories. The money raised through business

Free management course for SMEs

The government has launched the new Help to Grow: Management Essentials course; a short online course with practical tips and resources for small business leaders. It

COVID Bounce Back abuse

The Insolvency Service has recently published information confirming that a total of 831 company directors were banned in 2023-24 for Covid support scheme abuse, up

Settling energy disputes

Business owners that are in dispute with their energy suppliers will be interested in the free support on offer from the Energy Ombudsman. In a recent