COVID-19: Mental Health In The Workplace  

The emergence of COVID-19 has led to change, uncertainty, and new challenges. However, many employers are placing the mental health of their workforce at the top of their agenda.  

Embracing technology  

Companies across the UK have been embracing technology and keeping in contact with colleagues. There is certainly no substitute for seeing another person’s face therefore regular video calls have been taking place up-and-down the country.  

Employee Assistance  

There has been a growth in Employee Assistance Programmes – these can come in the form of counselling, self-care videos to follow at home and a range of suggested apps to download to help with anxiety or encourage guided meditation.  

Support is more available  

Isolation is a primary factor in depression, anxiety, and mental health issues. Many employees have not given mental health the necessary attention it deserves. However, there seems to now be a greater appreciation for its importance and for employers to provide solutions for employees.  

Teamwork is improving  

The coronavirus crisis has seen relationships with teammates improving. Solving problems with colleagues during these times shows that you can work proactively during difficult times and overcome challenges together, resulting in stronger bonds in the future.  


Workplaces will become more flexible in the future. The many companies that have been resistant to letting employees work from home will accept that this is now a legitimate option. More choice and flexibility to employees will be offered in the future which will result in better work/life balance, an increase in productivity, and improved mental health of the workforce.  

Recent research, carried out by fit4thefight, has shown that one in four (24%) of employers are actively addressing employee wellbeing during the coronavirus crisis, with 24% adapting its benefits to take into account the new way of working from home.   

For more advice about looking after your mental health while working during the coronavirus outbreak, visit the Mental Health Foundation 

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