Paul Beare And New Zealand: The 2020 Visit

Paul Beare is a well-known face in New Zealand as the man who has helped many companies expand into the UK. His frequent visits Down Under have helped him establish his practice as one of the leading firms helping businesses of all types take the leap.

Even though he’s a regular visitor, the arrival of lockdown in March meant that his latest trip is now stretching to nine months, something Paul believes has given him a new perspective on the challenges and opportunities facing ANZ businesses as they look to take the next step to growth.

“We arrived in New Zealand back in March expecting a regular trip,” says Paul from his temporary home in Auckland. “Usually that would involve two or three weeks here seeing existing clients, attending events, working with both NZTE and DIT.  as well as meeting with prospective new clients that needed help with the UK expansion plans.”

However, it didn’t quite go to plan. “We were stranded here as the New Zealand authorities announced a suspension of international travel. Which, had it been anywhere else, might have been really tough to cope with,” says Paul. “But luckily NZ is such a great place for us to work as we’ve shown in the past few years, developing a really vibrant client list.”

“It’s allowed us to do two things we wouldn’t normally be able to do on a short stay visit: firstly we’ve been able to spend some real quality time with some of our most interesting existing clients. Companies like Hedgebook, the treasury, and FX software businesses that we’ve helped set up in London. The guys here are doing a great job and it’s interesting to see what their plans are in tandem with the success they’re having in the UK, breaking into new markets and developing their business.”

The second big benefit has been the chance to meet new clients. “It’s pretty difficult to really get to know people with an 11/13 hour time difference depending on when the clocks change,” Paul says, pointing out that although the business works extensively with Aus/NZ firms, it can be tough to synchronise from the other side of the world.

“It’s also a challenge to fit lots of meetings into a short space of time, trying to make sure we’re not only meeting new clients but also staying abreast of what existing partners are doing as well as meeting with DIT and other NGOs.”

Instead, nine months in one place has given Paul a deeper insight into the antipodean business culture and how it translates to a UK context. “It’s been really useful to really see the New Zealand scene up close and with the chance to really get under the skin of what’s happening here. We’ve been able to speak to a whole range of companies and to understand what they aspire to not just in their domestic markets but also how they see the UK as a destination.”

And while 2021 will no doubt bring more challenges, Paul is clear that the time spent away from the UK has given him a deeper understanding of what it takes to succeed in a new market. “Even as a seasoned traveller, it’s been tough at times to be away from home for such a long period, he says.

“But if nothing else it’s confirmed to me how brave and hard-working the people at these companies are to uproot themselves and try something new. It’s inspiring, and we can’t wait for more interesting developments in 2021.”

With that said, there are some roadblocks to navigate, which is why it pays to have the right advisers on board to help you set up in the UK. Paul has been helping kiwi business setup in the UK for years. Whether it’s tax and payroll or accounting and banking, we know where the likely bumps in the road are, and we can go with you on each step of the journey. Some of our services are highlighted here.